Vanilla latte recipe

A latte in a tall latte glass on a plate with a long latte spoon, standing on a restaurant menu

You know when the weight of the world feels like its settled on your shoulders? You just want to unwind and relax and take 5 just for yourself. Well, I have the perfect companion – a vanilla latte.

It has a smooth and creamy texture that is deliciously satisfying.

Plus with just a few simple ingredients, you can easily make a delicious vanilla latte at home.

What is a vanilla latte

A vanilla latte combines espresso coffee with vanilla-flavored syrup and steamed milk. It is usually topped with foam and served in a tall glass and can even be topped-off with whipped cream.

They are available at all good coffee shops and cafes. But why not follow my recipe and make one at home to enjoy without the hassle of making a run to the coffee shop?

Why make coffee at home?

I know, it’s easy to order a great latte at your favorite coffee shop. But what if it could be even better?

I am going to walk you through the whole process of making a great vanilla latte. Lets get started by choosing the best coffee beans.

Best coffee beans for vanilla latte

Like many of the best coffee drinks, all lattes start with a shot of espresso.

So you need to use the best coffee beans you can get. There are many different types of espresso beans available. But some are better than others for making espresso for lattes.

Your choice of beans has a huge impact on the taste of the coffee you end up drinking.

Lighter roasted espresso beans have a softer more mellow flavor. Darker roast beans are more sharp and bitter tasting. Both have their benefits, just remember: the taste of a latte comes from all of its components. You may like a more bitter coffee taste to balance the soft creamy flavors of the milk, vanilla and if you add it, the whipped cream.

Or you may prefer a softer tasting lighter roast bean. That will give you the softest most relaxing vanilla latte experience.

When making espresso for your vanilla latte, it’s important to use freshly ground coffee. Grinding the beans right before you brew so the coffee is at its best.

Grinding coffee for vanilla latte

Start by grinding your own coffee beans. Remember you need a short strong espresso to make a latte.

When grinding coffee beans for espresso, it’s important to grind to a fine texture. Aim for a fine salt like texture.

If the grind is too coarse, the espresso will be weak and watery. If the grind is too fine, the espresso will be bitter and have a burning taste. Experiment with different grind sizes to find what works best for you.

Once you’ve ground your coffee beans, it’s time to brew the espresso. Ideally, you will need an espresso machine for this step. If you don’t have an espresso machine, you can brew strong coffee using a French press.

Brewing coffee for vanilla latte

Brewing espresso for your latte is a delicate process that can be ruined by many things. This includes: grinding the beans too fine, using too much coffee, or not tamping the grounds correctly. Instead, to make a perfect vanilla latte, you need to experiment until you have excellent espresso brewing skills.

Most people think they need an expensive espresso machine to brew their own espresso shots. Let me show you how you can use so many different coffee makers to get a shot, or two, of espresso: How to make espresso without a machine.

Tips on brewing coffee for espresso:

  • Use fresh, high-quality beans that have been roasted within the past two weeks.
  • Grind your beans finely enough so that they will produce an extractable shot of espresso (use about 18-20 grams per double shot).
  • It you have an espresso machine, pack the grounds tightly into the portafilter basket and give them a good tamp (30 pounds of pressure).
  • Brew at around 200°F (93°C) for about 25 seconds.

How to make a vanilla latte at home

Making a vanilla latte at home is easy. You will need


  • 1/2 cup of strongly brewed coffee or a double shot of espresso
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • 1 vanilla bean, split open with the seeds scraped out or 1tsp vanilla extract
  • 1-2 tablespoons of sugar (optional)
  • Pinch of salt (optional
  • cinnamon stick or 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)

Method 1 – using a coffee maker

  • Brew a strong coffee in your preferred way. I recommend using either an Aeropress, moka pot or French press.
  • While the coffee is brewing, heat the milk in a small saucepan over medium heat until it just begins to simmer.
  • Remove the milk from heat and add the vanilla beans (or vanilla extract), sugar, and salt. Stir until the sugar has dissolved.
  • If using a cinnamon stick, add it now and leave to steep for 5 minutes. Then you can discard the vanilla bean and cinnamon stick (or reserve for another use).
  • You can froth the milk with a French press or handheld immersion blender until it is thick and creamy.
  • Add the coffee and blend on high speed for about 30 seconds, until it’s frothy. Pour into two mugs and enjoy!

Method 2 – espresso machine with steam wand

  • Start by grinding and brewing the beans in your espresso machine. If your machine allows it, make a double shot. Otherwise, you can make two single shots of espresso.
  • Add vanilla extract to the milk.
  • If you have on, use the steam wand on your espresso machine to froth the milk until it is thick and creamy. Alternatively, you can heat the milk and froth it with a blender, or even with a French press.
  • Pour the espresso into a mug and top with the vanilla flavored milk. Remember to keep back the foam to layer on top.

For an extra flourish, dust with cocoa powder and serve immediately.

Top tips for making a great vanilla latte at home

  • Use fresh, high-quality coffee beans.
  • Grind your coffee beans just before brewing and release the best flavor.
  • Measure the water and coffee carefully – too much or too little will affect the taste of your latte.
  • You can make a great vanilla latte with vanilla syrup, but to really kick it up a notch, add vanilla extract, or a fresh vanilla pod, instead.
  • Ensure that you froth the milk until it’s thick and creamy – this will give your latte that signature luxury touch.
  • Sprinkle the top with cinnamon or vanilla bean powder (or both!) and enjoy!

Vanilla latte recipe

vanilla latte

Vanilla latte recipe

Author: Eric Loftuss
Make a great vanilla latte at home, and personalise it to your taste.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 3 minutes
Cook Time 3 minutes
Servings 1
Calories 182 kcal


  • 1 Coffee grinder
  • 1 coffee maker or espresso machine
  • 1 Milk frother or blender / steam wand
  • 1 Latte glass or mug
  • 1 latte spoon or long spoon


  • 2 shots espresso alternatively brew a strong coffee
  • 1 cup milk Options include almond or oat milk
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract or use a fresh vanilla pod
  • 1-2 tsps sugar try replacing with honey or sweetener


  • With a little practice, making a vanilla latte at home is a simple process that only requires a few ingredients. All you need is vanilla extract, milk, 2 espresso shots, and sugar. The steps are as follows:
  • Brew two espresso shots using your preferred method. I recommend using an espresso machine for the best results. If you don't have an espresso machine, you can also use a stovetop coffeemaker, a French press or even instant coffee.
  • If you have a steam wand: steam the milk to create a creamy texture with a foam floating on top.
  • If you don't have a steam wand, In a small saucepan, heat the milk until it's hot but not boiling. Be careful not to scorch the milk. Pour the heated milk into a blender and add the vanilla extract. Blend on high for about 30 seconds until the mixture is silky and frothy.
  • Pour one shot of espresso into each latte glass. Then slowly pour the milk, keeping back the froth to gently lay on top.
  • For an extra flourish, sprinkle with chocolate powder or ground cinnamon.


Top tips for making a great vanilla latte at home

  1. Use fresh, high-quality coffee beans.
  2. Grind your coffee beans just before brewing and release the best flavor.
  3. Measure the water and coffee carefully – too much or too little will affect the taste of your latte.
  4. You can make a great vanilla latte with vanilla syrup, but to really kick it up a notch, add vanilla extract, or a fresh vanilla pod, instead.
  5. Ensure that you froth the milk until it’s thick and creamy – this will give your latte that signature luxury touch.
  6. Sprinkle the top with cinnamon or vanilla bean powder (or both!) and enjoy!


Calories: 182kcalCarbohydrates: 17gProtein: 9gFat: 8gSaturated Fat: 5gPolyunsaturated Fat: 0.3gMonounsaturated Fat: 2gCholesterol: 31mgSodium: 107mgPotassium: 459mgSugar: 17gVitamin A: 418IUVitamin C: 0.1mgCalcium: 319mgIron: 0.1mg
Nutritional Disclaimer

All nutritional information is an estimate only, based on third-party calculations derived from an online nutritional calculator, Spoonacular API. The data provided is a courtesy and should not be considered a guarantee or fact. Each recipe and nutritional value will vary depending on the ingredients and brands you use, your measuring methods and portion sizes. For accurate results, we recommend that you calculate the nutritional information yourself, using a preferred nutritional calculator or advice from a nutritionist, based on your ingredients and individual processes.

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Different types of latte

There are many different types of vanilla lattes that you can make at home

All you need is a few extra ingredients and a little bit of creativity

Here are two variations on vanilla latte recipes that you can try.

Vanilla chai latte

If you want something a little bit different, you can try this recipe for a vanilla chai latte. You will need:

-1 cup of milk

-1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract

-1 chai tea bag


1Begin by brewing your chai tea, leave it to steep for 3-5 minutes

While the tea is brewing, you can heat up your milk on the stove

Once the milk is heated, add the vanilla extract

Remove the tea bag and gently pour the milk over the chai.

Stir well and enjoy!

Vanilla lavender latte

For a vanilla latte with a twist, try this recipe for a vanilla lavender latte. It’s guaranteed to make you feel more relaxed. You will need:

-1 cup of milk

-1 tablespoon of vanilla syrup or 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence

-1/4 teaspoon of lavender extract

-1 shot of espresso


Begin by brewing your espresso shot

While the espresso is brewing you can heat up your milk on the stove or in a microwave

Once the milk is heated, stir in the vanilla syrup and lavender extract

Stir well and pour the milk over the espresso shot
