
For some people coffee starts and ends with espresso. Ok, we admit, there is nothing wrong with spending time working on and achieving a perfect espresso. But for many of us, whilst our journey may start with perfecting an espresso, we also want to try out and enjoy different coffee styles, flavors and experiences. Why not explore our coffee recipes and dare yourself to try something different, you never know it might be the start of something new. As Mick Jagger once said:

‘You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You get what you need.’

Rolling Stones song, ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’, written by Keith Richards and Mick Jagger.

If  you can’t find the recipe for your perfect coffee, or you’ve heard of a coffee you want to try, simply Contact Us and, not only will we get back you you with our thoughts and experience,  we will schedule in a new recipe so everyone else gets to benefit from your request.

Iced vanilla latte: super simple to make and enjoy!
When the sun is blazing down, I need a refreshing pick-me-up, and there’s nothing quite like an iced vanilla latte. It’s an amazing blend of espresso, milk, and sweet vanilla...
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Nitro cold brew coffee: science or magic?
Have I got a new experience for you? Well, yes – if you’ve never tried nitro cold brew coffee. For us coffee lovers, nothing beats a freshly brewed cup of joe. But nitro...
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Frozen coffee - easy homemade recipe!
With the thermometer rising, there’s nothing quite like a frosty beverage to beat the heat. But what if that frosty drink could also satisfy your coffee craving? Enter the refreshing...
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Iced macchiato - Too good to miss
Who says you can’t enjoy a refreshing coffee treat when the heat is on? As we embrace the sweltering days of summer, there’s nothing like a cool, invigorating iced macchiato...
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Iced Gingerbread Latte: A Festive Treat for All Seasons
When it comes to coffee drinks, the iced gingerbread latte is a delightful surprise that takes you on a flavorful journey any time of the year. This festive beverage combines the robust...
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Iced caramel macchiato: A sweet and exciting coffee
When it’s hot, there’s nothing quite like a refreshing iced coffee to brighten your day. With its beautiful layers of espresso, milk, and caramel, an iced caramel macchiato...
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Iced pumpkin spice latte - it's not just for Fall!
When pumpkin spice season rolls around, coffee lovers everywhere rejoice at the return of their favorite Autumn-inspired beverage. But who says you can only enjoy a pumpkin spice latte...
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Iced latte recipe - the perfect summer coffee
We all know that coffee is a great way to start the day, but what about when it’s hot outside? That’s where iced latte comes in! Combining the rich flavor of espresso with...
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Iced coffee: beginner friendly recipe.
As summer days grow hotter, I’m just looking for cool and refreshing alternatives to my normal hot cup of joe. Enter iced coffee – the perfect solution when I’m craving...
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Ultimate guide to iced coffee: keep cool this summer!
As the weather heats up, nothing beats a refreshing iced coffee to cool you down. But why settle for store-bought when it’s so easy and rewarding to make your own? With my ultimate...
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Iced strawberry latte - coffee and dessert all in one!
Summer is here, and there’s nothing like a refreshing iced drink to beat the heat. Look no further than iced strawberry latte. It’s got it all – intense coffee, succulent...
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Pumpkin spice cappuccino - indulge in this Fall delight
Fall is here, which means the leaves are changing color, days are getting colder and shorter and there’s a great excuse to indulge in everything pumpkin spice! So, today let’s...
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Pumpkin spice sauce: lookout Starbucks!
Fall is the perfect time to indulge in delicious treats, and pumpkin spice sauce is one of the most exciting recipes you can make. Why? Well, it means you are only a few minutes from...
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Ultimate Pumpkin Spice Latte (Starbucks beater!)
Fall is the perfect time to sit back and enjoy the best pumpkin spice coffee. The aroma of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves mixed with creamy milk and the taste of espresso is like a warm...
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Iced cappuccino recipe - refreshing on a hot day
Ah, cappuccino. The very sound of it is comforting, isn’t it? Made with espresso and frothy milk, it’s a perfect pick-me-up coffee drink. But what if you want a cappuccino...
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