Nitro cold brew coffee: science or magic?

Have I got a new experience for you? Well, yes – if you’ve never tried nitro cold brew coffee. For us coffee lovers, nothing beats a freshly brewed cup of joe. But nitro coffee takes the experience to a whole new level. Don’t miss out on this trend that’s sweeping the country. Try one and you’ll be hooked by this exciting new way to drink coffee.

A tall glass of nitro cold brew coffee, gently settling.
Nitro cold brew coffee

What is it?

Nitro cold brew coffee is your familiar cold brewed coffee infused with tiny nitrogen bubbles. The nitrogen infusion transforms the coffee into a creamy, frothy beverage that pours like a Guinness beer, straight from the tap. It’s coffee, but not as you know it.

The Taste of Nitro Cold Brew Coffee

Imagine the rich, smooth taste of your favorite cold brew, but even smoother and creamier, without any added milk or sugar. That’s nitro cold brew. The nitrogen infusion gives it a naturally sweet flavor and a velvety texture that’s truly unique.

How to Make Nitro Cold Brew Coffee


  • Cold brew coffee maker.
  • Nitro cold brew machine or a whipped cream dispenser with nitro cartridges.
  • Glass
  • Spoon.


  • 1 cup of coarse ground coffee
  • 4 cups of cold water
  • 1-2 tsp sugar or other sweetener (optional)


  • Brew a jug of cold brew. For detailed instructions check out my easy-to-follow delicious cold brew recipe.
  • Strain the coffee into a pitcher.
  • Pour the cold brew into the nitro cold brew machine or whipped cream dispenser fitted with a nitro cartridge.
  • Follow the instructions on your nitro machine or dispenser to infuse the coffee with nitrogen.
  • Serve in a glass and watch the mesmerizing cascade of coffee and bubbles.

Top Tips for Making a Great Nitro Coffee

Ccoffee being filtered into a mason jar.
Cold Brew coffee
  • Quality Beans: Use high-quality, freshly roasted beans for the best flavor.
  • Cold Brewing: To extract the maximum flavor from the coffee, use a cold brew technique. Check out my super simple cold brew recipe.
  • Coarse Grind: A coarse grind is ideal for cold brew to prevent over-extraction.
  • Cold Water: Always use cold filtered water (not mineral water) to avoid changing the flavor of your coffee.
  • Patience Pays: Allow the coffee to steep for at least 18 hours for a robust flavor.
  • Right Equipment: Use a proper nitro machine or dispenser for the best results.
  • Serving Style: Serve in a clear glass to appreciate the beautiful cascade effect.
  • Personalize: Experiment with different coffee varieties to find your perfect brew.
  • Cleanliness: Keep your equipment clean to avoid any off-flavors.
  • Enjoy Fresh: Nitro cold brew is best enjoyed immediately after the nitrogen infusion.

The Bottom Line

A tall glass of nitro cold brew coffee
Nitro cold brew coffee

Nitro cold brew coffee is an exciting way to enjoy your favorite coffee drink. It’s refreshingly cold, delightfully frothy, and has a unique velvety sweetness that sets it apart from other coffee drinks.

So why not give it a whirl? You won’t regret it!

FAQs about cold brew nitro coffee

What’s the difference between cold brew and nitro cold brew?

The main difference is the nitrogen. Nitro cold brew is cold brew coffee that’s been infused with nitrogen to create a creamy, frothy texture.

Can I make nitro cold brew at home?

Yes, with the right equipment (a nitro machine or a whipped cream dispenser with nitro cartridges), you can make it at home.

How long does nitro cold brew last?

While the base cold brew can be stored in the fridge for up to a week, nitro cold brew is best enjoyed immediately after the nitrogen infusion.

Can I add milk or sugar to my nitro cold brew?

You can, but many people find the natural sweetness and creaminess of nitro cold brew enough on its own.

So go ahead, explore the effervescent world of nitro coffee, and discover your new favorite way to beat the heat!

Other amazing iced and chilled coffees just for you

Once you have enjoyed a nitro cold brew coffee, why not try some of these amazing cooling and refreshing hot-weather coffees:

A tall glass of nitro cold brew coffee, gently settling.

Nitro cold brew coffee: science or magic?

Eric Loftuss
Nitro cold brew coffee: Don't miss out on this trend that's sweeping the country!
No ratings yet
Course Drinks
Cuisine American
Servings 1 Glass
Calories 16 kcal


  • 1 Cold brew coffee maker
  • 1 Nitro cold brew coffee machine or a whipped cream dispenser with nitro cartridges.
  • 1 glass
  • 1 spoon


  • 1 cup coffee beans coarse ground
  • 4 cups water
  • 1-2 tsp sugar or other sweetener (optional)


  • Brew a jug of cold brew. For detailed instructions check out my easy-to-follow delicious cold brew recipe.
  • Strain the chilled coffee into a pitcher.
  • Pour the cold brew into the nitro cold brew coffee machine or whipped cream dispenser fitted with a nitro cartridge.
  • Follow the instructions on your nitro machine or dispenser to infuse the coffee with nitrogen.
  • Serve in a glass and watch the mesmerizing cascade of coffee and bubbles.
  • Drink fresh and while chilled.


Top Tips

  • Quality Beans: Use high-quality, freshly roasted beans for the best flavor.
  • Cold Brewing: To extract the maximum flavor from the coffee, use a cold brew technique. Check out my super simple cold brew recipe.
  • Coarse Grind: A coarse grind is ideal for cold brew to prevent over-extraction.
  • Cold Water: Always use cold filtered water (not mineral water) to avoid changing the flavor of your coffee.
  • Patience Pays: Allow the coffee to steep for at least 18 hours for a robust flavor.
  • Right Equipment: Use a proper nitro machine or dispenser for the best results.
  • Serving Style: Serve in a clear glass to appreciate the beautiful cascade effect.
  • Personalize: Experiment with different coffee varieties to find your perfect brew.
  • Cleanliness: Keep your equipment clean to avoid any off-flavors.
  • Enjoy Fresh: Nitro cold brew is best enjoyed immediately after the nitrogen infusion.


Calories: 16kcalCarbohydrates: 4gFat: 0.01gSodium: 50mgPotassium: 0.1mgSugar: 4gCalcium: 30mg
Nutritional Disclaimer

All nutritional information is an estimate only, based on third-party calculations derived from an online nutritional calculator, Spoonacular API. The data provided is a courtesy and should not be considered a guarantee or fact. Each recipe and nutritional value will vary depending on the ingredients and brands you use, your measuring methods and portion sizes. For accurate results, we recommend that you calculate the nutritional information yourself, using a preferred nutritional calculator or advice from a nutritionist, based on your ingredients and individual processes.

Keyword nitro coffee, Nitro cold brew coffee
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