Iced macchiato – Too good to miss

Who says you can’t enjoy a refreshing coffee treat when the heat is on? As we embrace the sweltering days of summer, there’s nothing like a cool, invigorating iced macchiato to lift your spirits. But what exactly is this magical brew?

A glass of iced macchiato standing on an old newspaper.
Iced macchiato

What Is an Ice Macchiato?

“Macchiato” means “marked” or “stained” in Italian, and in this case, it refers to the method of preparation – where cold milk is ‘stains a shot of rich, dark espresso.

Like a regular caffè macchiato, it’s made with a shot or two of espresso, then just the lightest touch of milk and milk foam on top. But an iced macchiato also has ice cubes to create a delicious chilled coffee.

The Taste of Iced caffe Macchiato

The beauty of the iced macchiato lies in its balance of flavors. The robust, pleasantly bitter taste of espresso meets the smooth, followed by the chilled and creamy sweetness of the milk, creating a taste explosion in your mouth. It’s a contrast that leaves your taste buds wanting more.

It may be my personal opinion, but I think my iced macchiato is a Starbucks and Dunkin beater! So let’s dive right in and find out exactly how easy this great summer coffee is to make.

How to make an iced macchiato

You won’t believe how easy this delicious hot-weather coffee Plus its more convenient and cheaper than making a coffee run.


  • espresso machine, or coffee maker
  • milk frother or blender or whisk
  • 1 glass or 8oz mug
  • 1 spoon


  • 2 shots Espresso
  • 4 oz Milk
  • 1-2 tsp sugar or other sweetener (optional)
  • 1/2 cup ice cubes
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract (optional)


A refreshing glass of iced macchiato
Iced macchiato
  • For a bold flavor use two shots of espresso, or make 1/2 cup of strong coffee
  • Allow the coffee to cool
  • While the coffee is cooling, add the vanilla extract and stir to combine (optional)
  • When the coffee is cool, froth the chilled milk to create a creamy foam
  • Put the ice cubes into a glass or mug
  • Pour the coffee over the ice cubes
  • Add the milk slowly so that it forms a layer on top of the espresso.
  • The result is a rich and flavorful coffee that is perfect for enjoying on its own or with a sweet treat.

Top Tips

  • Use high-quality, freshly ground coffee beans and a good espresso machine for the best tasting espresso.
  • Don’t worry if you haven’t got an espresso machine – just check out my guide to making espresso without an espresso machine.
  • If you are using dairy milk, make sure to use one that will froth well. Check out my guide to the best dairy milks. For non-dairy milks, I like to use a barista oat milk. It’s rich and creamy with a great flavor. Plus, it is super simple to get a velvety foam. Check out my guide to best non-dairy milks. NB I wrote these two guides when making lattes, but the idea is the same – you want to froth milk to get a creamy velvety finish.
  • It is surprisingly easy to froth cold milk. You can use whatever equipment you have available. I often use a hand blender. It’s quick and easy to get the result you need.

The Bottom Line

The iced macchiato is a versatile, refreshing drink that’s perfect for any hot day. It’s a delightful blend of strong espresso and creamy milk, offering a unique taste experience. So why not give it a try?

Two glassed of iced caramel macchiato on a marble worktop.
Iced caramel macchiato

You’ll never want to pay for the iced macchiato Starbucks sells. Better yet, check out my iced caramel macchiato recipe. It is so much better than the iced caramel macchiato Starbucks offers.

FAQs about chilled macchiato

Can I use regular coffee instead of espresso?

Yes, but the flavor will be milder. If you’re looking for that robust espresso kick, consider using a darker roast.

Can I make it dairy-free?

Absolutely! Substitute the milk with almond, soy, or oat milk for a dairy-free version.

How can I sweeten my iced macchiato?

You can add sugar, flavored syrups, or even a dollop of whipped cream.

Can I make an iced macchiato without an espresso machine?

Yes, you can use strongly brewed coffee as a substitute. Check out my guide to making espresso without an espresso machine.

Other great iced and chilled coffees you have to try

Once you have enjoyed an iced macchiato, why not try some of these amazing cooling and refreshing hot-weather coffees:

A glass of iced macchiato standing on an old newspaper.

Iced macchiato – Too good to miss

Eric Loftuss
When it's hot, there's nothing like a cool, refreshing iced macchiato to lift your spirits!
No ratings yet
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 2 minutes
Total Time 12 minutes
Course Drinks
Cuisine American, Spanish
Servings 1 Glass
Calories 95 kcal


  • 1 Espresso machine or coffee maker
  • 1 Milk frother or blender or whisk
  • 1 glass or 8oz mug
  • 1 spoon


  • 2 shots espresso or 1/2 cup strong coffee
  • 4 oz milk
  • 1-2 tsp sugar or other sweetener (optional)
  • ½ cup ice cubes
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract (optional)


  • For a bold flavor use two shots of espresso, or make 1/2 cup of strong coffee
  • Allow the coffee to cool
  • While the coffee is cooling, add the vanilla extract and stir to combine (optional)
  • Add sugar or other sweeteners and stir to combine (optional)
  • When the coffee is cool, froth the chilled milk to create a creamy foam
  • Put the ice cubes into a glass or mug
  • Pour the coffee over the ice cubes
  • Add the milk slowly so that it forms a layer on top of the espresso.
  • The result is a rich and flavorful coffee that is perfect for enjoying on its own or with a sweet treat.


Top Tips

  • Use high-quality, freshly ground coffee beans and a good espresso machine for the best tasting espresso.
  • Don’t worry if you haven’t got an espresso machine – just check out my guide to making espresso without an espresso machine.
  • If you are using dairy milk, make sure to use one that will froth well. Check out my guide to the best dairy milks. For non-dairy milks, I like to use a barista oat milk. It’s rich and creamy with a great flavor. Plus, it is super simple to get a velvety foam. Check out my guide to best non-dairy milks. NB I wrote these two guides when making lattes, but the idea is the same – you want to froth milk to get a creamy velvety finish.
  • It is surprisingly easy to froth cold milk. You can use whatever equipment you have available. I often use a hand blender. It’s quick and easy to get the result you need.


Calories: 95kcalCarbohydrates: 11gProtein: 4gFat: 4gSaturated Fat: 2gPolyunsaturated Fat: 0.2gMonounsaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 14mgSodium: 58mgPotassium: 242mgSugar: 10gVitamin A: 184IUVitamin C: 0.1mgCalcium: 145mgIron: 0.1mg
Nutritional Disclaimer

All nutritional information is an estimate only, based on third-party calculations derived from an online nutritional calculator, Spoonacular API. The data provided is a courtesy and should not be considered a guarantee or fact. Each recipe and nutritional value will vary depending on the ingredients and brands you use, your measuring methods and portion sizes. For accurate results, we recommend that you calculate the nutritional information yourself, using a preferred nutritional calculator or advice from a nutritionist, based on your ingredients and individual processes.

Keyword iced caffe macchiato, iced macchiato
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