Honey latte – so sweet and so good!

Latte’s are a great way to start your morning, or to enjoy as an afternoon pick-me-up. Honey lattes are perfect for those days when you want a sweet and creamy coffee drink. So, morning, noon or night remember your new best friend: honey latte.

Glass of honey latte sitting on a table with some spilt coffee beans
Honey latte

Did I mention they’re easy to make and can be customized to your liking. Plus the honey does 2 jobs – in my honey latte recipe, I use honey for its flavor as well as to sweeten the drink.

What is a honey latte

So easily made with just three ingredients, a regular honey latte contains espresso, steamed milk and honey. But read on to find out about the extra ingredients you can use to take yours up a notch.

Since earliest times man has valued honey for its flavors and for its health enhancing qualities. It’s a great source of antioxidants, and it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties

It also adds a sweet and floral flavor to lattes, while the milk makes it extra creamy and indulgent. It’s the perfect drink to enjoy every day, but still feels special!

Best honey for lattes

I love trying out new ingredients, so whenever I get the chance I try different brands of honey. But you know what? It pays to buy a good brand.

I have previously tried store budget brands, but the flavor lacks – well lacks everything. If you get raw honey to compare you will really notice the difference. I recently experienced raw honeycomb. That’s straight from the hive and you eat it complete with the wax. I also got the chance to taste Manuka honey. Manuka honey originated in New Zealand and is incredibly exclusive – for which read expensive!

But you don’t need to spend big to get good quality honey.  So I have a couple of brands I use and recommend. You don’t have to buy or use them, but if you do then I am sure you will notice a big difference from budget brands:

  • Nature Nate’s 100% Pure, Raw & Unfiltered Honey. Simply perfect on toast, in tea and wow it’s great in honey lattes!
  • Madhava Organic Amber Honey, Unfiltered Organic honey you will love.

Best coffee beans for honey latte

Honey is very very sweet, making it easy for the coffee to be overpowered. And like all lattes, honey lattes are made with a shot or 2 of espresso. So I prefer to use a good quality dark roast espresso. Dark roast coffee has a fuller flavor and will hold up better and work well with the sweetness of the honey and the smooth creamy flavor of the milk.

Some of my favorite dark roast coffees for lattes are:

  • Koffee Kult Dark Roast Coffee Beans
  • San Francisco Bay Coffee French Roast, Whole Bean
  • Starbucks Pike Place coffee beans
  • Peet’s Coffee, Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee – Major Dickason’s Blend
  • illy Dark Roast Coffee Beans

Grinding coffee

Grinding your own coffee beans for espresso is a great way to get the perfect cup of coffee every time. While you can buy pre-ground espresso, grinding your own beans allows you to control the coarseness of the grind and produce a richer, more flavorful cup of coffee.

To grind your own coffee beans for espresso, you will need a grinder. There are many different types of grinders available, from manual hand grinders to electric grinders. I normally use an electric grinder (except when I am travelling, then I take a hand grinder with me), as they are faster and more consistent than manual grinders.

For espresso machines it’s important to grind the beans to a fine powder. This helps extract the maximum flavor. Other coffee makers need different grinds – check your coffee maker for the best grind size to use.

Brewing coffee for a honey latte

With some espresso machines it’s simply a matter of flipping the switch and pressing the button. Others require more input. So make sure you are familiar with how your espresso machine works.

But all is not lost if you don’t own an expensive espresso machine. Just check out How to make espresso without a machine.

How to make a honey latte at home

Yes you can go to a good coffee shop and get a good tasting honey latte. But, sometimes you don’t want to go out for coffee, and making your own means you can create the exact coffee you want.

Making honey latte is really easy.


  • 1 Espresso machine Or coffee maker
  • 1 Grinder Or use pre-ground coffee
  • 1 Milk frother Or pitcher and blender
  • 1 kitchen scale Preferably a digital scale – they are more accurate (optional)
  • 1 Highball glass or mug
  • 1 spoon


  • 18 grams Espresso per shot
  • ¾ cup Milk
  • 2-4 tsp Honey Depending on how sweet you like your latte
  • ½ tsp Vanilla extract (optional)
  • ½ tsp Cinnamon powder (optional)
  • ½ tsp Grated chocolate (optional)
  • 1 tbsp Whipped cream (optional)
  • ½ tsp Honey (optional)


With an espresso machine and steam wand

  • Brew a 1-2 shots of espresso
  • While the coffee is brewing, pour the milk and honey and vanilla extract into a jug and heat
  • Froth the milk using the steam wand

Without an espresso machine

  • Use any coffee maker you have available to brew a strong short coffee.
  • While the coffee is brewing, pour the milk and honey into a small saucepan (or if using a microwave a microwave safe jug), heat the milk until it begins to steam – but do not let it boil.
  • Stir in the vanilla extract if you want.
  • Pour the mixture into a milk frother or use a hand blender to blend until smooth and creamy.

Finishing the latte 

  • Pour the espresso into a glass, then gently pour in the milk. Make sure you hold back the foam to gently layer on top.
  • dust with some cinnamon powder or chocolate shavings.
  • Finish with a light drizzle of honey.
  • Enjoy!

Top Tips for making a honey latte at home

Use espresso coffee beans

  • Start with the best quality, freshest coffee beans you can find.
  • I use dark roast espresso beans. They have a deeper more intense taste that will still come through to the flavors of the milk and honey.
  • If you can, always grind the coffee beans just before you use them. You will notice a big difference between fresh ground and coffee that you ground a week ago.

Brew the coffee

  • If you have an espresso machine, brew 1-2 shots – depending on how strong you like your coffee.
  • If you are using a coffee maker, brew a strong short (about 1/4 cup) cup of coffee.
  • Any coffee maker will do a great job. So try a French press or an Aeropress, or even make a regular instant coffee.
  • The important thing is to make a strong coffee – you will be adding milk and honey. These easily drown the taste of a weak coffee.

Froth the milk

  • If you have a steam wand (on the side of most espresso machines), use that to steam the milk creating a creamy texture and foam.
  • If you don’t have a steam wand, heat the milk  in a sauce pan over medium heat, or in a microwave, until it reaches 140°F (60°C). Do not let it boil.
  • Add the honey then use a blender or hand whisk to make it creamier and frothy.

Finishing the honey latte

  • Pour the coffee into a latte glass or mug, then gently pour over the milk, keeping back the foam to layer on top.
  • Lay the foam on top
  • You can even top your latte with some whipped cream and sprinkle with some chocolate shavings, or cinnamon powder, if you like.
  • Sit back, relax and enjoy!

Other flavored coffees to inspire you

Once you have enjoyed your honey latte, how about trying some of my other favorite flavored coffees?

Honey latte in a latte glass

Honey latte – so sweet and so good!

Author: Eric Loftuss
Better than your local coffee shop!
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 3 minutes
Cook Time 3 minutes
Servings 1
Calories 180 kcal


  • 1 Espresso machine Or coffee maker
  • 1 Grinder Or use pre-ground coffee
  • 1 Milk frother Or pitcher and blender
  • 1 kitchen scale Preferably a digital scale – they are more accurate
  • 1 Highball glass or mug
  • 1 spoon


  • 18 grams Espresso per shot
  • ¾ cup Milk
  • 2-4 tsp Honey Depending on how sweet you like your latte
  • ½ tsp Vanilla extract Optional
  • ½ tsp Cinnamon powder Optional
  • ½ tsp Grated chocolate Optional
  • ½ tsp Honey Optional – to drizzle over the finished latte


  • With an espresso machine and steam wand
  • Brew a 1-2 shots of espresso
  • While the coffee is brewing, pour the milk and honey and vanilla extract into a jug and heat
  • froth the milk to a creamy texture
  • Without an espresso machine
  • Use any coffee maker you have available to brew a strong short coffee
  • While the coffee is brewing, pour the milk and honey into a small saucepan (or if using a microwave a microwave safe jug), heat the milk until it begins to steam – but do not let it boil.
  • Stir in the vanilla extract if you want
  • Pour the mixture into a milk frother or use a hand blender to blend until smooth and creamy
  • Finishing the latte 
  • Pour the espresso into a highball glass or mug, then gently pour in the milk. Make sure you hold back the foam to gently layer on top.
  • Dust with some cinnamon powder or chocolate shavings.
  • Finish with a light drizzle of honey.
  • Enjoy!


Top Tips for making a honey latte at home

Use espresso coffee beans

  • Start with the best quality, freshest coffee beans you can find.
  • I use dark roast espresso beans. They have a deeper more intense taste that will still come through to the flavors of the milk and honey.
  • If you can, always grind the coffee beans just before you use them. You will notice a big difference between fresh ground and coffee that you ground a week ago.

Brew the coffee

  • If you have an espresso machine, brew 1-2 shots – depending on how strong you like your coffee.
  • If you are using a coffee maker, brew a strong short (about 1/4 cup) cup of coffee.
  • Any coffee maker will do a great job. So try a French press or an Aeropress, or even make a regular instant coffee.
  • The important thing is to make a strong coffee – you will be adding milk and honey. These easily drown the taste of a weak coffee.

Froth the milk

  • If you have a steam wand (on the side of most espresso machines), use that to steam the milk creating a creamy texture and foam.
  • If you don’t have a steam wand, heat the milk  in a sauce pan over medium heat, or in a microwave, until it reaches 140°F (60°C). Do not let it boil.
  • Add the honey then use a blender or hand whisk to make it creamier and frothy.

Finishing the honey latte

    • Pour the coffee into a latte glass or mug, then gently pour over the milk, keeping back the foam to layer on top.
    • Lay the foam on top
    • You can even top your latte with some whipped cream and sprinkle with some chocolate shavings, or cinnamon powder, if you like.
    • Sit back, relax and enjoy!


Calories: 180kcalCarbohydrates: 25gProtein: 6gFat: 6gSaturated Fat: 4gPolyunsaturated Fat: 0.2gMonounsaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 23mgSodium: 77mgPotassium: 327mgFiber: 1gSugar: 24gVitamin A: 316IUVitamin C: 0.2mgCalcium: 250mgIron: 0.2mg
Nutritional Disclaimer

All nutritional information is an estimate only, based on third-party calculations derived from an online nutritional calculator, Spoonacular API. The data provided is a courtesy and should not be considered a guarantee or fact. Each recipe and nutritional value will vary depending on the ingredients and brands you use, your measuring methods and portion sizes. For accurate results, we recommend that you calculate the nutritional information yourself, using a preferred nutritional calculator or advice from a nutritionist, based on your ingredients and individual processes.

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