Hazelnut latte recipe

Combine your love of smooth creamy coffee with the buttery nutty flavor of hazelnuts and drink one of the most delicious and nutritious coffees: hazelnut latte.

A cup and saucer containing a hazelnut latte with a latte art heart on top
Hazelnut latte

Hazelnut lattes have a rich, nutty flavor that is sure to please your taste buds. Plus, hazelnuts are super healthy for you. They are packed with antioxidants and nutrients that your body needs. And they are perfect for any time of day. Whether you’re in the mood for a morning pick-me-up or a late night treat, hazelnut lattes always hit the spot.

What is a hazelnut latte

A regular hazelnut latte, like you can buy in coffee shops, is a coffee drink that combines hazelnut syrup steamed milk and espresso. It is usually served with milk foam on top.

If you make it at home, you can add several extra touches to make it your own special latte. For example, if you add whipped cream to the top, you can sprinkle it with crushed pieces of hazelnut, a drizzle of hazelnut syrup or even some chocolate syrup.

You probably already know how well hazelnuts and chocolate go together. In case you need a reminder, Ferrero rocher candy is made with pieces of hazelnut in smooth chocolate. Alternatively, check out Lindt Lindor Excellence Bar, Dark Chocolate with Hazelnuts.

Best coffee beans for hazelnut latte

If you’re looking for the best espresso coffee beans to make a hazelnut latte, you should try out some of the Brazilian varieties. They have a rich, earthy flavor that pairs perfectly with hazelnut flavoring. Italian espresso coffee beans are also a good choice, as they have a slightly nutty taste that fits well with hazelnut lattes.

Grinding coffee

Grinding your own coffee beans for a hazelnut latte is the best way to ensure that you get the perfect fresh taste every time.

If you don’t have a grinder, you can use pre-ground coffee, but it won’t be as fresh or flavorful, and won’t store as long.

How you grind the beans depends on the brewing method you are using. Espresso machines need a medium fine grind so that the high-pressure hot water can rapidly extract the flavors and aromas.

But you don’t need an espresso machine. You can make a strong short coffee with any type of coffee maker. If you have a French press, you need to grind the beans to a coarse size – like coarse sea salt. If you grind the coffee to fine some will end up in your coffee. That tastes bitter and muddy.

Brewing coffee for a latte

Great coffee always starts from fresh beans, ground just before they are used. That way you can be sure they are as fresh as possible.

If you have an espresso machine, make two shots of espresso. Depending on how you like your latte, try setting the machine to make a stronger shot. That will allow more of the strength of the coffee to come through in the finished drink.

It’s not a problem if you do not have an espresso machine, you can use any type of coffee maker, but I recommend using a French press.  They are inexpensive, available everywhere and make it easy to scale up from one cup for yourself, through to up to 8 cups for friends and family. For a deeper dive check out my post on using a French press.

To make coffee with a French press the grounds should be coarsely ground so that they don’t dissolve in the water too quickly. Then, add about 6 ounces of hot water to the grounds and let it steep for 3-4 minutes. After that, press down on the plunger to extract the coffee from the grounds.

For more ways to make espresso without an expensive espresso maker, check my post: How to make espresso without a machine.

Making a hazelnut latte at home


  • Espresso machine Or use any coffee maker to brew a strong short coffee
  • Milk frother Or use a blender of hand whisk.
  • Latte glass Or a mug
  • latte spoon


  • ½ cup Milk You can use any milk you prefer, including cow, oat and soy milk
  • 1 tbsp hazelnut syrup or 1/2 tsp hazelnut extract
  • 1-2 tsp sugar or 2-3 tsp sugar if using hazelnut extract
  • 1 pinch salt This will really make your latte sing. But don’t overdo the salt. There is a fine line between enhancing and ruining!
  • 1 tbsp whipped cream Optional
  • 1 tsp chopped hazelnuts Optional


  • Brew 1-2 shots of espresso, or make a short strong coffee with any coffee maker available
  • While the coffee is brewing, put the milk into a jug and add hazelnut syrup, stir to mix.
  • Foam the milk.
  • Once the coffee has brewed, pour it into a glass, then gently pour in the milk. Make sure you hold back the foam to gently layer on top.
  • dust with some ground hazelnuts or chocolate shavings.
  • Enjoy!

Top tips for making a hazelnut latte at home

Coffee beans

  • Use the best quality and freshest coffee beans you can get.
  • I recommend using espresso beans. They are usually dark roast to give a deeper intense taste that will still come through to the flavors of the milk, sugar, hazelnut syrup.
  • If you can, always grind the coffee beans just before you use them. You will notice a big difference between fresh ground and coffee that you ground a week ago.


If you have an espresso machine:

  • Brew a double shot of espresso, and set aside while you assemble the rest of the ingredients.
  • Pour the milk into a frothing jug, and use the steam wand on the espresso machine to heat and froth the milk. Once it has reached a creamy and rich texture, allow more froth to develop.
  • Add the sugar and syrup to the milk and stir in.
  • Alternatively add extra sugar and hazelnut extract. Try increasing the sugar to 3 tsp’s to start because, although it is sweet, extract is less sweet than syrup
  • Pour the espresso into a latte glass or mug. Then gently pour the milk over, Make sure you hold back the froth to gently layer on top.

Without an espresso machine:

  • Use your preferred coffee maker to brew a strong short coffee.
  • While the coffee is brewing, heat the milk in a saucepan over medium heat until it reaches 140 °F (60 °C). Do not let it boil.
  • Pour the milk into a blender or bowl and blend until smooth. If you prefer a frothy latte, use an immersion blender or whisk vigorously by hand.
  • Add the hazelnut extract, sugar, vanilla extract, and salt and stir well to combine with the milk.

Frothing the milk

  • If you have a steam wand (on the side of most espresso machines), use that to steam the milk creating a creamy texture and foam.
  • If you don’t have a steam wand, heat the milk and then use a blender or hand whisk to make it creamier and frothy.
  • Add some sugar. The amount depends on your taste. But remember: if you are using hazelnut syrup, it is very sweet.
  • Add hazelnut syrup to taste. Hazelnut syrups are widely available in supermarkets and online.
  • Alternatively, you can use hazelnut extract. Like vanilla extract, it is very concentrated and you should only use a small amount. If using extract, it is not as sweet as syrup, so you will have to adjust the amount of sugar.
  • Stir the sugar and hazelnut flavoring into the heated and frothed milk.

Finishing your hazelnut latte

  • Pour the coffee into a latte glass or mug,
  • Gently pour over the milk, keeping back the foam to layer on top.
  • Add a drizzle of hazelnut syrup.
  • You can even sprinkle with some crushed hazelnuts or chocolate shavings if you like.
  • Enjoy!
    Hazelnut latte

    Hazelnut latte recipe

    Author: Eric Loftuss
    Make an outstanding delicious creamy and nut flavored latte
    No ratings yet
    Prep Time 3 minutes
    Cook Time 1 minute
    Servings 1
    Calories 168 kcal


    • Espresso machine Or use any coffee maker to brew a strong short coffee
    • Milk frother Or use a blender of hand whisk.
    • Latte glass Or a mug
    • latte spoon


    • ½ cup Milk You can use any milk you prefer, including cow, oat and soy milk
    • 1 tbsp Hazelnut syrup or 1/2 tsp hazelnut extract
    • 1-2 tsp sugar or 2-3 tsp sugar if using hazelnut extract
    • 1 pinch salt This will really make your latte sing. But don't overdo the salt. There is a fine line between enhancing and ruining!
    • 1 tbsp whipped cream Optional
    • 1 tsp chopped hazelnuts Optional


    • If you have an espresso machine:
    • Brew a double shot of espresso, and set aside while you assemble the rest of the ingredients.
    • Add the sugar and hazelnut syrup to the milk and stir in Foam the milk
    • Foam the milk
    • Alternatively add extra sugar and hazelnut extract.
    • Without an espresso machine:
    • Use your preferred coffee maker to brew a strong short coffee
    • While the coffee is brewing, heat the milk in a saucepan or in a microwave
    • Pour the milk into a bowl and add the hazelnut extract, sugar, vanilla extract, and salt. Then stir well to combine with the milk
    • Foam the milk
    • Finishing the latte
    • Pour the espresso into a latte glass or mug. Then gently pour the milk over, Hold back the froth to gently layer on top.
    • For a delicious and luxurious finish, add a drizzle of hazelnut syrup.
    • Why not add some chopped hazelnut pieces or a sprinkle of chocolate powder.


    Top tips for making a hazelnut latte at home

    Coffee beans

    • Use the best quality and freshest coffee beans you can get.
    • I recommend using espresso beans. They are usually dark roast to give a deeper intense taste that will still come through to the flavors of the milk, sugar, hazelnut syrup.
    • If you can, always grind the coffee beans just before you use them. You will notice a big difference between fresh ground and coffee that you ground a week ago.


    If you have an espresso machine:

    • Brew a double shot of espresso, and set aside while you assemble the rest of the ingredients.
    • Add the sugar and syrup to the milk and stir in.
    • Pour the milk into a frothing jug, and use the steam wand on the espresso machine to heat and froth the milk. Once it has reached a creamy and rich texture, allow more froth to develop.
    • Alternatively add extra sugar and hazelnut extract. Try increasing the sugar to 3 tsp’s to start because, although it is sweet, extract is less sweet than syrup
    • Pour the espresso into a latte glass or mug. Then gently pour the milk over, Make sure you hold back the froth to gently layer on top.

    Without an espresso machine:

    • Use your preferred coffee maker to brew a strong short coffee.
    • While the coffee is brewing, heat the milk in a microwave or saucepan over medium heat until it reaches 140 °F (60 °C). Do not let it boil.
    • Pour the milk into a milk frother or bowl and add the hazelnut extract, sugar, vanilla extract, and salt and stir well to combine with the milk.
    • lend until it reaches a smooth creamy texture. If you prefer a frothy latte, use an immersion blender or whisk vigorously by hand.
    Frothing the milk
    • If you have a steam wand (on the side of most espresso machines), use that to steam the milk creating a creamy texture and foam.
    • If you don’t have a steam wand, heat the milk and then use a blender or hand whisk to make it creamier and frothy.
    • Add some sugar. The amount depends on your taste. But remember: if you are using hazelnut syrup, it is very sweet.
    • Add hazelnut syrup to taste. Hazelnut syrups are widely available in supermarkets and online.
    • Alternatively, you can use hazelnut extract. Like vanilla extract, it is very concentrated and you should only use a small amount. If using extract, it is not as sweet as syrup, so you will have to adjust the amount of sugar.
    • Stir the sugar and hazelnut flavoring into the heated and frothed milk.

    Finishing your hazelnut latte

    • Pour the coffee into a latte glass or mug,
    • Gently pour over the milk, keeping back the foam to layer on top.
    • Add a drizzle of hazelnut syrup.
    • You can even sprinkle with some crushed hazelnuts or chocolate shavings if you like.
    • Enjoy!


    Calories: 168kcalCarbohydrates: 28gProtein: 4gFat: 5gSaturated Fat: 3gPolyunsaturated Fat: 0.2gMonounsaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 19mgSodium: 102mgPotassium: 200mgSugar: 28gVitamin A: 240IUCalcium: 166mg
    Nutritional Disclaimer

    All nutritional information is an estimate only, based on third-party calculations derived from an online nutritional calculator, Spoonacular API. The data provided is a courtesy and should not be considered a guarantee or fact. Each recipe and nutritional value will vary depending on the ingredients and brands you use, your measuring methods and portion sizes. For accurate results, we recommend that you calculate the nutritional information yourself, using a preferred nutritional calculator or advice from a nutritionist, based on your ingredients and individual processes.

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