Cappuccino vs americano: the differences that matter

Do you know the difference between a cappuccino and an americano? If not, don’t worry – you’re not alone. While both are popular coffee drinks, they have distinct differences in flavor, texture and ingredients that make them unique. So grab a mug and get ready to learn more about cappuccino vs americano!

On the left a cup of americano coffee and on the right a cup of cappuccino
Americano vs cappuccino

What’s a cappuccino

A cup of black coffee standing on the edge of a wood table.
Americano in a cup

A cappuccino is a classic Italian coffee beverage that consists of espresso, steamed milk, and foam. It’s got a creamy texture with subtle sweetness from the steamed milk and a rich flavor from the espresso.

I often top them off with chocolate shavings or cocoa powder for some added sweetness.

Now you know what is a cappuccino, I bet you can’t wait to try one? Check out my super simple recipe to make your own cappuccino at home.

What’s an americano

A cup of milky coffee covvered in chocolate powder. In the foreground a croissant on a plate.
Cappuccino and croissant

One of the simplest and most enjoyable coffees you can easily make at home. An Americano is a made from espresso and hot water.

It has a smoother, milder flavor than espresso, making it great for when you want a longer coffee with a less bitter taste.

Americano gets its name from the fact that it was created by GIs stationed in Italy during World War II. They found espresso to short and strong so insisted on adding hot water.

You can easily make your own version by adding cream, sugar and even flavored syrups.

Now you know what is an an americano, you might want you make your own. Not sure you can? Check out my easy-to-follow recipe to make your own americano at home.

The taste test: americano vs cappuccino

 Both are incredibly popular espresso-based coffees with unique flavors and aromas. In this section, we will compare the flavors of both to help you decide which one is right for you. So let’s get started!

The taste of cappuccino

  • Cappuccinos start with the roasted coffee beans used to make the shot of espresso. The deep intense flavors of espresso can easily overpower the milk, so it’s important to prepare the milk for the job.
  • Foaming the milk gives it a creamy and smooth texture. Gently poured over the espresso it creates a velvety layer on top of the steamed milk, making it a luxurious experience.
  • Drunk as it is, cappuccinos taste great, with rich creamy milk blending with intense coffee. But you can take it up a notch by adding either chocolate powder or ground cinnamon as a final topping.
  • When you sip an americano with chocolate or cinnamon topping you get an extra dose of aroma from the topping and then its taste is quickly followed by the milk and then the coffee.

As I said – it’s one of the great coffee experiences.

The taste of americano

  • It’s another espresso-based coffee. Americanos are very simple – just a shot (or two) of espresso and hot water.
  • Americano coffee has a smooth, rich taste coming directly from the espresso beans. But it’s less bitter and intense than drinking an espresso. The water calms everything down and allows the underlying flavors of the coffee through. So you can get sweet caramels and chocolate or even a smoky flavor that you would never notice in the sudden shock of drinking espresso.
  • Due to its strong flavor profile, compared to cappuccicino, americano coffee is often enjoyed black or with a small amount of cream, milk or sugar. This allows the coffee’s natural flavors to shine without being overpowered by added sweetness or creaminess.

Cappuccino vs americano: the pros and cons

Cappuccinos and americanos are two of the most popular coffee drinks around the world. Both offer a delicious, rich flavor that can help start your day off right or provide a pick-me-up in the middle of an afternoon slump. But there are big differences between americano and cappuccino that might make you prefer one over the other.

 The pros of cappuccinos

  • Cappuccinos are rich and creamy, making them a great treat for coffee lovers.
  • They can be enjoyed hot or cold, allowing you to customize your experience according to the weather or your preferences.
  • The unique flavor of cappuccino stands out from other coffee drinks, thanks to the combination of espresso and steamed milk foam.
  • With so many creative variations available (like adding flavored syrups or using different kinds of milk or adding different toppings), cappuccinos provide endless possibilities for you to create your own personal cappuccino.

The cons of cappuccinos

  • Cappuccinos have a higher amount of calories than black coffees like americano. So you might want to limit the number of times you drink one.
  • They are also more difficult to make than an americano. You have to heat and foam the milk just right to get a great cappuccino.
  • If you have an allergy or don’t like the taste of dairy milk, you can still enjoy a non-dairy cappuccino. But some non-dairy milks don’t froth as well as dairy milk. Check out my lists of best dairy milks and best non-dairy milks. I wrote these lists for lattes but the information also applies to making americanos.

The pros of americanos

  •  Known for their bold taste, americanos are full of subtleties and complexities, making them a favorite drink of coffee connoisseurs.
  • If you drink your americano without added milk or sugar, you can enjoy it without any concern about calories compared to cappuccinos.
  • Americanos contain more caffeine per ounce than most brewed coffees, making it an ideal choice when you need an extra kick of energy to get through your day.

 The cons of americanos

If the coffee is over-brewed you can end up with an overly bitter or acidic americano.

  • While you may need a caffeine burst sometimes, at other times it might stop you sleeping or even make you anxious and restless. So it’s best to limit the number of americanos you drink.
  • If you use a very bitter dark roast coffee to make your americano, you can end up with a bitter-tasting drink.

FAQs about the difference between americano and cappuccino

Which one has the most caffeine?

  • I used to think if one coffee tasted stronger than another, it must have more caffeine. But that is simply wrong.
  • Guess what, the caffeine in these coffees comes from the coffee. So if you make both coffees with the same amount of the same espresso beans – you get the same amount of caffeine in both coffees.

How many calories in these coffees

Time to find out an important difference between cappuccino and americano.

Calories in a cappuccino

  • A standard 8-ounce cappuccino made with 2 ounces of espresso and 5 ounces of steamed milk contains around 80-100 calories. The calories could be even higher if you use different types and amounts of milk.
  • Iced cappuccinos can contain over 200 calories, because they often have added sugar for sweetening and whipped cream, which replaces the foam topping of a regular cappuccino..
  • You can greatly reduce the calories by using skimmed milk and avoiding adding sugar and any additional syrups or toppings such as whipped cream.

Calories in an americano

  • An 8-ounce cup of Americano contains about 5-15 calories, which is much less than the same size cappuccino.
  • If you add cream and sugar you can really increase the amount of calories in a cup of americano.

Which one is better for different occasions

When cappuccino is better

Cappuccino has a thicker and creamier texture than americano due to the addition of steamed milk, making it a more indulgent and satisfying drink. Making it more of a luxury experience to relax and enjoy.

When americanos are better

  • Americano has a more intense flavor, and it’s not creamy like cappuccino. So if you prefer strong bold coffee flavors over rich mlky coffees then americano is for you.
  • On hot summer days, an iced americano can be refreshing while still giving you a caffeine boost.
  • Even if you like both of these coffees, there are times when only a strong black coffee will do.

Is cappuccino a strong coffee

While cappuccino isn’t generally considered to be a strong coffee in terms of caffeine content, it does pack a lot of flavor. Thanks to the combination of intense espresso and rich and creamy texture of the milk. The steamed milk helps to mellow the bitterness of the espresso, resulting in a smooth and balanced flavour topped with creamy foam.

So while cappuccino may not be the most potent coffee in terms of its caffeine content, its delicious taste and luxurious texture owe as much to a good shot of espresso as to the frothed milk.

The bottom line

When you want a totally relaxing coffee experience, the cappuccino is an excellent choice. It has enough sweetness and creaminess to make it a luxurious experience.

On the other hand, if you want something simpler with fewer ingredients that pack a punch, then look no further than americano.

Both these coffees are timeless classics and offer unique flavors depending on what you’re craving at any given moment. No matter which one you choose, both will provide you with a delicious cup of joe! So why not try them both?

Some other great coffees compared

You are not alone if you struggle to decide which coffee to drink. I am forever changing my mind in mid brew. So I have put together some great coffee vs coffee posts to help you decide. Take a look at these for some inspiration:

  • Americano vs long black coffee. Probably the toughest choice because these seem to be so similar. But are they really?
  • Americano vs espresso. Yes americano is made with a shot of espresso, but you would never believe how different it tastes.
  • Americano vs latte. Another classic pairing. Yes I love them both and so will you once you have checked out how easy they both are to make.