Americano vs mocha – which is best?

Do you love coffee but can’t decide between an americano and a mocha? If so, you are not alone! The debate over which coffee is best can go on forever. The best we can hope for is to decide which is best at any one time! While these two have very different flavors, there are some similarities that make them both great. In this post, I’ll explore the similarities and difference between americano and mocha to help you decide which one is right for you. So grab your favorite mug and let’s get started on our journey of discovery about americano vs mocha.

On the left someone holding a cup of americano coffee. On the right a cup of mocha with a saucer standing on a wooden table.
Americano vs mocha

What is americano

A cup of black coffee standing on the edge of a wood table.
Americano in a cup
  • Unlike many other coffee drinks, an americano does not contain any milk or cream; it is simply a shot or two of espresso with added hot water.
  • It has a strong flavor and smooth texture that makes it popular with coffee lovers around the world
  • The name americano comes from “caffè americano,” which translates to “American-style coffee”. And that comes from it being invented by GIs in Italy during world war 2. They found shots of espresso too strong. So cafe owners added some hot water creating a coffee that tasted more like the drip coffee from back home.

 Can’t wait to try an americano? Check out my super simple recipe to make your own americano at home.

What is mocha

a glass of mocha latte with latte art on top, standing on a green saucer with a gold colored spoon. In the background is the edge of a laptop computer.
Mocha latte
  • Mocha is also made with espresso. But it adds in steamed milk and mocha syrup (or even chocolate powder).
  • It is usually topped with whipped cream or a dusting of cocoa powder for added flavor and texture.
  • The steamed milk gives it a rich creamy texture that you’ll love. Then the chocolate syrup gives it a sweet chocolate flavor that goes really well with the coffee and milk.
  • You can enjoy mocha hot or cold. So in the colder months I go for a hot warming and comforting mocha. Then in hot weather, I so enjoy an iced mocha!

 If you are ready to try out making a mocha, check out my mocha latte recipe.

If you want to make an even easier mocha, mix up some of my super simple mocha syrup recipe and add it and some milk to a black coffee.

The taste test: mocha vs americano

Americano coffee offers a uniquely refreshing taste experience that combines bold flavours, balanced acidity, smooth texture, and versatile taste profile, making it a perfect beverage for coffee lovers worldwide.

Compared to americano, mocha takes everything up a level. It starts the same way but instead of hot water it adds foamed milk and chocolate to the mix.

The taste of americano

coffee beans tumbling onto a surface.
Arabica coffee beans for americano coffee

The coffee beans used to make americano and the coffee-to-water ratio are important to creating an americano you will enjoy. If you’ve tried a regular espresso you’ll know it can taste bitter and even quite acidic. But adding hot water to turn it into an americano takes away that acidity and allows you to really taste the coffee.

Intense flavored dark roast beans will give your americano a deep dark and even bitter taste. But in amongst all that you will find notes of chocolate or even caramel flavors.

If you go for a light roast or blonde roast coffee, your americano will taste mellow with notes of fruit and even spices coming through – depending on the coffee beans you use.

The taste of mocha

A spoonful of cocoa powder.
Chocolate powder

Have you ever eaten a chocolate bar while drinking a coffee? If you have then you know that combining coffee and chocolate is one of those genius ideas. Separately, they work really well, but together they fly!

Start with a dark roast coffee then add the rich creaminess of frothed milk and chocolate syrup (or chocolate powder). The intensity and bitterness of the coffee is smoothed out by the milk and then the chocolate flavors come through. Pure joy.

The chocolate note in mocha comes from the addition of chocolate syrup or cocoa powder to the coffee. Depending on the amount and type of chocolate used, mocha can have a subtle or strong chocolate flavor.

As a finishing touch mocha is often served with a spoonful of whipped cream on top, which adds some finishing luxury to an already rich and smooth coffee. The whipped cream also adds a touch of sweetness, balancing out the bitterness of the coffee and the richness of the chocolate.

Americano vs mocha: the pros and cons

When it comes to choosing between an Americano and a Mocha, the decision can be difficult. On one hand, an Americano is simple yet strong in flavor, while a Mocha has more rich complexity but also more sugar and calories.

On the other hand, both drinks are made with espresso which gives them comparable levels of caffeine. Ultimately, you decide which drink best suits you best.

My choice is not based on the difference between mocha and americano. I choose the coffee I want at any one time. So, in the morning, especially when I’m in a rush, I make a shot of espresso and top up with some hot water. Job done.

But if I have more time, or I want a coffee I can relax and unwind with, I go for a mocha. The extra flavor notes of the creamy milk and chocolate sitting alongside the coffee taste just lowers my stress levels wonderfully.

Try it – you just have to relax and slowly sip your mocha.

The pros of americano

  • Americano is a strong and versatile coffee with a refreshing flavor and a bunch of caffeine, making it great for a morning or afternoon energy boost.
  • It has an intense yet balanced flavor that can be enjoyed black or with added sweeteners such as sugar, honey or agave nectar.
  • With a mild acidity it’s a good option for after a heavy meal, but when an espresso would be too bitter tasting.
  • And let’s not forget, it is so easy to make.

The cons of americano

  • Because americano coffee is made from a strong blend of espresso and hot water, it increases your caffeine consumption. So you should limit the number of americanos you drink each day.
  • Drinking too much strong coffee has been known to cause acid reflux in some people as it increases stomach acidity and disrupts normal digestion processes.
  • You may not enjoy coffee without milk. I know there are times I avoid caffe americano because I need some milk to turn down the bitterness of the coffee.

The pros of mocha

  • The chocolate in mocha is rich in antioxidants, which can help reduce the risk of some diseases and disorders.
  • A mocha excites your tastebuds before you even taste it. Just the smell of hot coffee and chocolate tell me I am in for a great experience.
  • Like americano, mocha contains caffeine, which can boost energy levels and improve concentration and focus levels for an extended period of time.
  • Drinking mocha can provide you with some beneficial vitamins, minerals and nutrients like magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron that your body needs to stay healthy.

The cons of mocha

  • You may not know there is caffeine in chocolate, as well as coffee. So a mocha made with the same coffee as an americano will actually contain more caffeine. So be sure to limit the number of times you drink it in a day. Or alternatively, choose a good quality decaf coffee and make a decaf mocha.
  • If you make your mocha with mocha sysup, or you add sugar this can really increase the number of calories in each cup. Depending on how it’s prepared, a single serving of mocha could contain anywhere from 250-400 calories per cup.

FAQs about mocha and americano

What is an americano?

Explanation: An Americano is a type of espresso-based coffee drink made with one or two shots of espresso that are diluted in hot water. The resulting cup has a stronger flavor than regular drip-brewed coffee but less acidity, making it more enjoyable.

Does an Americano have milk?

No, by definition an Americano does not contain any milk or cream; it consists only of espresso and hot water. However, you drink your coffee any way you want it. So if you want some milk, go for it!

Can I make an Americano at home?

Yes! you absolutely can. Simply brew the grounds as usual into the preheated Moka pot then fill up the rest with steaming hot water for a delicious homemade cup of Americano! If you want some tips and tricks to make the best ameericano check out my super easy to make americano recipe.

What is the origin of the name “mocha”?

The term “mocha” originated from the Arabian port city of Al Mukha (Mocha), located on the Red Sea. During the 15th century, this port city became the center of coffee trade and served as the main hub for the distribution of Yemeni coffee beans. The beans were often referred to as “mocha,” short for Al Mukha.

What are the potential health benefits of consuming mocha?

Mocha may offer several potential health benefits due to its high levels of antioxidants and caffeine.

Antioxidants found in coffee can help protect your body against damage from free radicals, which can lead to chronic diseases, such as cancer and heart disease.

Moderate caffeine consumption has been linked to potential benefits, such as increased mental alertness, improved mood, and decreased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.

However, because of the high level of caffeine in some chocolate and coffees, you should limit the amount of mocha coffee you drink. Remember consuming too much caffeine can give you bad side-effects including insomnia or increased heart rate.

Which has the most calories

How many calories are there in americano

  • An americano usually contains around 3-10 calories per cup. The calories rise if you add sugar or other sweeteners.
  • If you like your americano with whole milk and sugar, it can easily contain up to 200 calories per cup.

How many calories are there in a mocha

  •  A small mocha coffee usually contains around 180-200 calories, however, this can vary depending on the size of drink you make. To compare, a Starbucks caffè mocha Grande (16oz.) contains 370 calories. And that’s before you add any sugar or other sweeteners to a Starbucks mocha.
  • The more milk, chocolate powder or chocolate syrup you add, will increase the amount of calories.
  • For healthier options, try using low calorie sweeteners and non-dairy alternatives such as almond or coconut milk to reduce the calorie count significantly.

The bottom line

At the end of the day, both Americano and Mocha coffees can be delicious depending on your the coffee experience you are craving.

Both are great options for those who want a full-bodied coffee with a more intense flavor, go for americano. But when you want a warming relaxing coffee and chocolate experience, it’s got to be a mocha.

So why not try them both? You may find that you prefer one over the other, or you may prefer to mix up different flavors from time to time!

The important thing is finding what works best for you and enjoying every sip along the way.

Some other great coffees compared

You are not alone if you struggle to decide which coffee to drink. I am forever changing my mind in mid brew. So I have put together some great coffee vs coffee posts to help you decide. Take a look at these for some inspiration:

  • Americano vs long black coffee. Probably the toughest choice because these seem to be so similar. But are they really?
  • Americano vs espresso. Yes americano is made with a shot of espresso, but you would never believe how different it tastes.
  • Americano vs cappuccino. Two of the all time classics. I regularly make both and love them. But they are for very different occasions.
  • Americano vs latte. Another classic pairing. Yes I love them both and so will you once you have checked out how easy they both are to make.