When it comes to coffee, there are a seemingly endless number of options available. From lattes and cappuccinos to Americanos and long blacks, the variations can be overwhelming or just plain subtle. So what’s the difference between long black and americano? While they look similar, these two drinks offer different flavors that make them stand out from each other. With each having their absolute fans. Today let’s explore the small, but important, differences between americano v Long Black coffee. Then you can decide which one is right for you!

What is an americano
An americano is a seemingly simple espresso-based coffee consisting of one or two shots of espresso and hot water. Invented by GIs based in Italy during world war two who didn’t enjoy the short sharp shock of an espresso. Their preference to dilute espresso with hot water led to the naming of americanos in their honor.
The added water makes it a milder, less intense, experience. But still a flavorful experience.
If you want you can add cream, sugar, or any other preferred flavoring to customize your perfect cup of joe!
Can’t wait to try an americano? Check out my super simple recipe to make your own americano at home.
What is a long black
write 4 interesting points about what is a long black
Another coffee that’s based on a shot (or two) of espresso. Unlike americano, long blacks are made with a shot of espresso gently poured on top of half a cup of hot water.
Wait a minute, isn’t that exactly the same as americano, but the two parts are just added in a different order?
Well, yes and no.
A long black is a shorter drink than an americano, with less hot water added.
Still wondering what I am talking about. Please trust me (for now) and read on. It will make sense by the end – I promise!
Oh yes, before I forget, long black coffee comes from the land down under – Australia. Where they come up with unique ways of doing things.
The taste test: americano v long black
These great coffees start from very similar places but offer different flavors and a great caffeine boost when you need some energy. To help make your decision easier, let’s take a look at what makes each one unique in this taste test: Long Black coffee vs americano.
The taste of americano
You’ll know you are drinking a coffee based on espresso from the first sip. Americanos are rich, with a full-bodied flavor for a tasting coffee experience.
If you don’t want such an intense experience, try making your americano with light roast beans for a smoother more mellow experience. It’ll make you just want to sink into your chair or sofa and relax. Plus, light roasted beans lend a subtle sweetness to your cup of joe.
Go even further and find espresso beans with flavors of caramel and chocolate and you won’t believe you are sipping a diluted espresso.
The taste of long black coffee
Long black coffee starts with espresso and hot water. But it’s a shorter drink than americano. So it has a bolder fuller taste. If you prefer a coffee that really grabs your attention, then long black is for you.
As with americano, you can change the taste by changing the espresso beans. Go lighter roast and you get a strong but smooth and full of flavor experience.
Long black vs americano: the pros and cons
You’re reading this because you love coffee. So you know there are endless options when it comes to choosing your favorite brew. Two of the most popular, long black and americano, both offer strength and a caffeine punch. With amazing flavor and aroma. But they also have some key differences we need to explore so you can decide which one is right for you!
The pros of americano coffee
- High Caffeine Content – americano coffee contains as much caffeine as an espresso, making it a great when you need an energy boost.
- Versatility – you can drink an americano hot or cold, with or without cream and sugar. Making it ideal for all seasons and occasions.
- Flavor – The flavor of americano coffee is turned down compared to long black, allowing the flavors within the coffee to shine through clearly without being overpowered by sheer strength of the coffee.
The cons of americano coffee
- Cost: americanos can be expensive depending on the coffee shop you go to, and some shops only offer a limited number of sizes or prices. But make one at home with my great americano recipe and you will be saving $$’s.
- Dilution: An americano is espresso with water added, but unless you follow a recipe plan it’s real easy to over-dilute your coffee. Then you are left with an unpleasant watery coffee.
- Limited flavor options: Compared with lattes, coffee shops have really limited options to create your own americano. Sure you can add cream and sugar, but that’s about it. Another great reason to home brew your coffee. At home, you can add any great flavors you want. Check out my review of great syrups for coffee you can easily make at home.
The pros of long black
- Long black coffee is stronger than americano. That’s because they both have a shot of espresso, but long black uses less hot water.
- So it has a fuller flavor and more robust aroma compared to americano.
- Like americano, it’s lower in calories than other coffees, so you can enjoy one guilt-free.
- If you need a real kickstart, using two shots espresso will really get your day going – or revive you to carry on!.
- You can personalise your long black with cream and sugar, or even with different coffee beans, to make it just how you want it.
The cons of long black coffee
- Long black coffee has a lot of caffeine, So you might not want to drink more than one a day. Or too late in case it stops you from getting enough sleep.
- Some people find that drinking too much black coffee can irritate their stomach lining, causing uncomfortable digestive symptoms such as nausea or heartburn.
- If you make a really strong long black, especially with dark-roast beans, it can have a bitter, acidic, taste that some people find unpleasant.
- Because it’s made with a shot, or two, of espresso and a small amount of hot water it’s too strong for some tastes. I admit, I like my coffee hot and strong. But sometimes a long black can be more than I need. Especially if I’ve pulled my usual 2 shots of espresso.
FAQs about the difference between americano and long black
This is not the easiest question to answer. You can compare the caffeine levels in these coffees if:
- you use the same espresso beans,
- they are ground the same way,
- and brewed the same way,
- Oh yes, and adding the same number of shots.
Once you are sure about this then there are still different answers (really!):
- Measuring the amount of caffeine in a single shot of espresso, then both americano and long black will have the same amount of caffeine.
- But, because there is more ware in americano, the caffeine is diluted more so the overall caffeine effect is less.
- What does that mean? Well, If you want the biggest caffeine energy-boost, go for a long black. On the other hand, if you want less caffeine hit and a strong black coffee you can enjoy for longer, choose americano.
The short answer
Long black is stronger than americano.
Which one is better for different occasions
- Americano has a less intense flavor than long black, making it ideal when you want a coffee to sit back and enjoy.
- Long black coffee is stronger for those moments when you want a bigger caffeine boast and a stronger coffee to make you feel alive!
Is long black a strong coffee
Yes, long black coffee is a strong coffee.
It’s perfect for when you want an intense coffee experience to wake you up and get you going.
The bottom line
When all you need is a strong coffee with plenty of flavor, then the long black is your best bet. On the other hand, if you have time for something more mellow and smooth, americano is ideal.
Ultimately, it all comes down to your personal preference – so why not give both a try. You may be surprised to find out which one works better for you?
Let’s get this straight, these are two very similar coffees, with identical ingredients. Yet, the end result is they offer you completely different experiences. Now that’s a result in any comparison!
Some other great coffees compared
You are not alone if you struggle to decide which coffee to drink. I am forever changing my mind in mid brew. So I have put together some great coffee vs coffee posts to help you decide. Take a look at these for some inspiration:
- Americano vs espresso. Yes americano is made with a shot of espresso, but you would never believe how different it tastes.
- Americano vs cappuccino. Two of the all time classics. I regularly make both and love them. But they are for very different occasions.
- Americano vs latte. Another classic pairing. Yes I love them both and so will you once you have checked out how easy they both are to make.
Hi, I’m Eric Loftuss, co-founder of Bean Thirst with my wife Sophie.
My Coffee journey started young. I used to help my mom with the weekly shopping trip and we always called in to a coffee wholesaler and retail outlet in our town.
I really started to learn about coffee when, while in college, I worked in a local coffee shop and trained as a barista. Even though I went on to qualify and work as a lawyer, I still get a kick out of brewing a cup of Joe.
Sophie and I are so glad to be part of your coffee journey. Find out more about us