About Bean Thirst

The perfect coffee

Is it possible to combine great coffee beans, precisely ground, with the purest water, at the right temperature and the ideal brewing method for the exact amount of time, to create the perfect cup of coffee?

Many have tried, but for most of us that elusive perfect cup of coffee is still out there – waiting to be found.

How do we know?

Simple – if we all knew the secret of the perfect cup of coffee why are there so many brands and roasts of coffee, different grinders, and multiple ways of brewing coffee?

The answer is: coffee means many things to many people.

Think about that time, perhaps recently, or maybe a while back, when you enjoyed a perfect coffee. Was it the beans or the grind, the coffee aroma, or how you brewed it. Maybe it was the setting – your favorite barista run cafe? Or did the company of good friends and easy conversation make everything that much better?

Whatever makes your  perfect coffee moment, Bean Thirst is here to guide you on everything you need to know – we bring you unbiased reviews, suggest options and recommend ways to combine everything you need in to make and enjoy that elusive perfect cup of coffee.

Hi, this is Eric Loftuss, co-founder of Bean Thirst with my wife Sophie.

My Coffee journey started young. I used to help my mom with the weekly shopping trip and we always passed by the greatest smelling store. It was a coffee wholesaler and retail outlet in our town. I lost count of the number of times I begged my mom to go in and look around.

Then one day she agreed and we spent a fantastic half hour just looking around and checking out the roast beans. After that we used to stop by the store more often, and sometimes I convinced my mom to buy some coffee.

Trouble was, back then, we knew nothing about the combined importance of different beans, aroma, flavor, roasting and brewing. So we just bought the best smelling beans and were often disappointed by the taste when we got home.

I really started to learn about coffee when, while in college, I worked in a local coffee shop and even got some barista training.

Hi I’m Sophie Loftuss, co-founder of Bean Thirst. My first coffee experience nearly put me off for life. I grew up in a household that drank instant coffee with chicory, drowned in cream and sugar to mask the sharp bitter flavor. 

Then when I went away to college I remember a meal in an Italian restaurant that ended with the most amazing coffee experience, my first espresso. I was hooked!

I convinced some of the girls in my dorm to club together to buy a coffee machine for our floor. Well, we were studying hard and often long into the night, so a good coffee kept us all awake to carry on learning.

Brewing coffee with an old fashioned coffee maker, with bowls of coffee beans in the foreground.